Support Bald Beagle Productions

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Thank you for making your generous, tax-deductible gift to the American Center for Law and Justice. Your support is greatly appreciated. A confirmation of your gift will be emailed to you shortly. To learn how we manage the resources you provide,  click here.

Bald Beagle is committed to providing kids with fun, engaging videos that teach them the story of America, as well as lessons about the faith and moral principles our nation was founded on and so many of us still share today.

Our goal is to constantly be producing and releasing high-quality video content to entertain, educate, and inspire children. We believe our videos should serve as an additional supplement to what they’re learning in school.

Such an ambitious production schedule requires time, talent, and resources. We’ve got the first two. But we need you. If you believe in Bald Beagle’s mission to teach and inspire kids, and to preserve America’s great history and principles, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to support Bald Beagle.

For more than three decades the ACLJ has successfully preserved our freedom & liberty. We rely on your tax-deductible gifts to continue our work & we strive to use your donations with prudence & respect. Your online donation is
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